
How to come up with new ideas by Esther Loopstra

Are you stuck? Having trouble coming up with ideas for a project? I've found some techniques that have helped me break out of my stuck-ness and I use them with my students. I want to share them with you!


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Introducing Finding Your Creative Voice (and why I created it) by Esther Loopstra

I am SUPER excited to announce my new in person course FINDING YOUR CREATIVE VOICE. This is going to start out in February as a 6 week in person course but eventually I would like to create an online version so everyone can have access.

This class is especially for those who are held back by fear and probably have said to other people "I can't even draw a straight line" or "I don't have a creative bone in my body". Or maybe you are struggling to get back into art or writing and you are feeling "stuck".

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Practical tips for finding an Illustration style by Esther Loopstra

Hi Everyone! I recently began working in a different style of illustration, one that I've been thinking about and playing with for a long time. I thought I'd share a bit about my process and my creative "breakthrough". I feel that I have a consistent style as far as my illustrations go, but my paintings are a bit more free flowing and intuitive.

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